Leadership & Managerial

This is just a partial list of available programs.They are supervisory, managerial and leadership type programs.

Why Can’t Managers Manage Poor Performance
For Supervisors and Managers – 3-4 hours

After examining the causes of poor performance, participants address their own capabilities and skill to address poor performance, then practice the actions necessary to correct performance issues. This session includes presentation and skill building exercises.

Coaching For Optimal Performance
For Supervisors and Managers – 3-4 hours

Empowers your management team through better coaching and performance management to become more productive, effective and committed team members! We will cover the Characteristics of a Good Coach, Benefits of Coaching, Coaching: The Essential Components for Performance Management, Coaching as an Effective Intervention, Communication Skills for Effective Coaching, Five Steps of Coaching, Diagnosing Performance Problems, Customizing Your Coaching Skills for Different Employees’ Styles, and Difficult Coaching Situations.

Supervisory Dynamics™
For New Supervisors and Managers – 12 hours

For the new supervisor or manager who has not had the opportunity to participate in a formal program. This program takes a comprehensive approach to all supervisory responsibilities. Topics covered include planning, interviewing, hiring, building job descriptions, training, salary administration, time and work management, performance evaluation, managing conflicts, leadership and termination practices.

Coaching For Optimal Performance
For Supervisors and Managers – 3-4 hours

Empowers your management

Managing People: Truth, Lies and Videotapes
For Supervisors and Managers: 1-2 hours

We will discuss thirteen basic “truths” to consider when supervising or managing people.

Management Versus Leadership
For Supervisors and Managers: 1-2 hours

We will compare management and leadership roles, their similarities and differences, and a discussion of when to use each.

Reading People
For Service, Underwriting and Administrative Personnel: 3-4 hours

Utilizing a simple but effective personality profile, participants will learn about basic personalities and what they can do to improve working relationships. They will also learn hot buttons and red flags to manage and avoid conflicts.

Reading Your Clients Buying Style
For Sales and Marketing Personnel: 3-4 hours

Utilizing a simple but effective personality profile, sales personnel will learn about basic buying styles of clients and what they can do during each phase of the sales process to improve rapport and become successful in their sales or marketing roles.

Why Employees Don’t Do What They Are Supposed To Do
For Supervisors and Managers: 3-4 hours

During this session we will discuss the primary reasons why employees don’t do what they are supposed to do. We will exam the reason for their behavior, the possible causes and what we as supervisors should do and not do to obtain the desired performance.

Team Building
For All Personnel: 3-4 hours

Utilizing a simulation exercise participants will be divided into small groups to experience the effects of team performance. The results will be examined including a discussion of the essential elements for team success and an examination of why teams fail.

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way
For Supervisors or Managers: 2-3 hours

An introduction to situational analysis and how leader behavior effects employees’ situations and how and what a leader must do to improve their individual performance.

Handling Difficult Clients/Dealing With Difficult People
For Service Personnel: 2-3 hours

A variety of difficult clients and their behaviors will be discussed including some do’s and don’ts when dealing with or confronted by them.

Understanding and Coping With Diversity in the Workplace
For Supervisors and Managers: 2-3 hours

A look at the various age groups, who they are, what shaped them, how they behave at work and what you should and should not do when working with them or managing them.

Agency E&O Loss Control
For All Agency Personnel: 2-4 hours

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